New Mini-Series – Water & the Manual Therapist

(New) Water & the Manual Therapist; An Intimate Conversation with Gerald Pollack
If you are a Curious subscriber I invite you to enjoy FREE access to the first episode of this clinical round as well as the first episode of all other clinical rounds. And remember, you also have access to the first module of all study groups you are qualified to view.
Episode 1 (episode length 22:55) - Muscles & Molecules - In 1990 Gerald Pollack published his book Muscles and Molecules.
In this episode Gerald discusses the evolution of his groundbreaking research on the water molecule. Where do our cells get the energy to create optimum function? I know you're thinking; "the mitochondria" of course...but maybe, just maybe the story is a bit more complex than that. Maybe what we have always thought is not entirely accurate.
Episode 2 (episode length 31:54) - The 4th Phase of Water Explained - We all know about the 3 phases of water; Liquid, Gas and Solid...but did you know there is a 4th phase? Gerald Pollack has discovered this 4th phase. Think about it...our understanding of reality and matter is based on the premise there are 3 phases. (episode length 31.54)
You can only imagine how transformative this is to almost everything we thought we knew about life in general and specifically human biology.
Episode 3 (episode length 07:21) - 4th Phase Water, Intracellular Energy & Manual Therapy - Where do our cells get the energy to create optimum function? I know you are thinking the mitochondria. But maybe, just maybe the story is bit more complex than that. Maybe what we have always thought is not entirely accurate.
From Gerald Pollack's 2014 article on Cell Electrical Properties, he discusses the issue of the required energy to operate intracellular mechanisms and proposes that the cell acquires this energy from the unique qualities associated with water...the topic of his research for decades.
Is it possible the hands of a manual therapist, while engaging the tissues with very specific and precise movements, is able to contribute to intracellular energy>
Episode 4 (episode length 08:57) - Manual Therapy & Radiant Energy - What effect do our hands have on fascia? From Gerald Pollack's article The Fourth Phase of Water: A role in fascia,
he discuss the possible role of radiant energy from the manual therapist's hands as well as the pressure applied and the effects this has on fascia. In that article he states that he has been able to confirm this in his research.
Episode 5 (episode length 06:06) - Charge, Exclusion Zone Water, Flow & "Listening" - What is EZ water and why should you care?
Faraday's law of electrical induction and Gerald Pollack's research explain the phenomenon of charge and how this may in fact explain what we are feeling with our hands when we feel a "listening".
Episode 6 (episode length 08:37) - Water & the "Listening" Phenomenon; A Practical Application of Gerald Pollack's Research - In this episode I will take you through the application of Gerald Pollack's amazing research to what we do in Visceral Manipulation.
How does the research of Gerald Pollack help to illuminate what it is we manual therapists are feeling?
We know that we feel something but what that exact "something" is remains a mystery, that is until now!
Episode 7 (episode length 09:09) - 4th Phase Water, Manual Thermal Evaluation (MTE) & Organ Health - MTE is another way of locating tissue restrictions or organ dysfunction. We use MTE in combination with what we feel by directly contacting the tissue known as "local listening". Gerald Pollack discusses his theory of what is occurring within restricted tissues / organs that create this radiant heat.
Episode 8 (episode length 14:00) - Tissue Release & Rhythmic Flow - Throughout Gerald Pollack's books and articles he discusses the effect of water at the level of neuronal action potentials. Gerald Pollack challenges the prevailing concepts around cellular pumps and channels and explains how his research on water offers a simpler and more elegant explanation.
Gerald Pollack discusses how the process of the build up of EZ water inside the cell may explain what we manual therapist are feeling in the tissues as they release.
Episode 9 (episode length 14:16) - 4th Phase Water, Transfer of Information & Therapist Intention - Is it possible that manual therapy, which decreases pain sensations, is really working at the level of water...possibly altering nerve synapses and neural density in areas of pathology?
Gerald Pollack discuses how genetic information contained in a sealed vial of water can be transferred to another sealed vile of water. Just think of the implications of this research?
We discuss how the intention of the practitioner at the moment of their activity makes a huge difference in what is occurring in the patient.
Episode 10 (episode length 07:56) - Visceral Manipulation, Viscoelasticity & Induction - One of the goals in Visceral Manipulation is to increase the viscoelasticity of a particular organ, especially solid organs.
Does this change in organ viscoelasticity represent a change in the tissue / cellular charge from a positive charge to a more negative charge? And as manual therapists we detect this as a shift in the degree of attraction.
In this final episode Gerald is going to bring everything together in such a simple and exciting way.
Thank you all for being members of the VM Study Group community!
Many thanks Ron as I’m really looking forward to hearing more about this since you first started mentioning it in class.