Registration & Billing
Do I need to Register or can I just subscribe to the VM Study Group service?
DISCLAIMER: Though the Barral Institute fully endorses the VM Study Group and Barral course completion is a prerequisite, the VM Study Group is a service that is independent from the Barral Institute and owned and operated by its founder Dr. Ron Mariotti.
Can anyone register?
Does registering guarantee me a spot in the VM Study Group?
If I upgrade to a paid subscription and change my mind can I get a refund?
Please make full use of the free forever Curious membership to decide before upgrading to a paid subscription level.
Are subscriptions auto-renewed yearly or do I need to manually renew?
What payment options do you offer?
The Online VM Study Group charging is handled through the Stripe payment service. Payment options include: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover, and Diners Club. If you require a non-card payment option please contact me...I can't promise I can accommodate you but I will do my best.
How secure is the payment handling?
Service Levels & Pricing
If I have not completed the prerequisites (currently VM3 and/ or VM4) can I still subscribe to the online VM study group?
Why is this a subscription I not just downloading a few documents and audio files to study?
Why do you have three service levels?
Can I upgrade / downgrade my service subscription level?
Can I view any module even if I have not completed the previous modules?
As a Commited subscriber can I submit a case report for review and critique and how will it be managed?
Why does my Curious level only give me access to course module 1?
The pricing seems reasonable but after 12 months what do I get extra to make me want to renew for another 12 months?
Troubleshooting & Support
Why can't I access the first module?
- When you are on the home page look to the menu list on the left and you should see a button labeled "VM Study Group with a "+" sign. Click on this and you will see the study groups you are qualified to view. Click on one of these.
- Then you will see the introduction page that says; "Hello Everyone". Read this and at the bottom of the page click on the purple button "Go to first course unit".
- Now you are at the page for “Module 1/ Unit 1”. Please read the whole page as there will be information you will need.
- After you have read this page click on the button that indicates you have completed this unit.
- Then you can click on the button below this that says, "next unit". You will proceed through each unit in this way. At the end of the Module, if you would like to take the quiz you will need to achieve an 80% in order to pass this module.
Why can't I see the audio player on the Layered Palpation course unit page?
I am unable to get the Layered Palpations to play
Follow these instructions and see if this fixes it. Basically these instructions add [*.] as allowed to access flash.
If you still have an issue please email me and I will help you sort it out. If I am unable my IT person, Tim, is a wizard!
Why can't I find how to access my online course?
Why can't I find my Account information?
How do I find out what questions I got wrong on the quizzes, and more importantly, what the correct answers are?
Quizzes are kept secure and the answers private to ensure that people who pass the test (80%+) have truly read the material. I understand that my subscribers who like to strive for 100% might feel some frustration in not knowing which questions were answered incorrectly and the corresponding correct answer.
The reason for this is that I only have four choices in how the online study group can operate to ensure that people who pass the quizzes have confidence that others did not achieve the same level of competence without doing the hard work. My options are as follows:
1) Allow people to take the test once only keeping the answers private and keeping private the knowledge of which questions were answered incorrectly (consistent with University quality exams).
2) Allow people to take the test as many times as they want keeping the answers private and keeping private the knowledge of which questions were answered incorrectly (consistent with a more flexible University quality exam).
3) Allow people to take the test as many times as they want keeping the answers private but identifying which questions were answered incorrectly AND limiting the attempts to once per month.
4) Restrict people to two attempts to pass only with incorrect / correct answers provided (questions are tough and randomised from a pool so 3+ attempts to pass the quiz would not be unusual).
In reviewing these options I chose option #2 since it promotes the use of quizzes as a tool that subscribers can re-use multiple times now and in the future to test their knowledge of the material with a high degree of accuracy. I chose not to go with option #3 because I expect people who did not pass would feel frustrated that they would need to wait to re-try the test. I chose not to go with options #1 and #4 because these options limit the value of the quizzes as an ongoing learning tool.
I hope that helps a little…though I understand if that does not ease your frustration in not knowing where you may have erred in a quiz you have completed. Rest assured though that, when you do pass the test, you will enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that goes along with the completion of a difficult task and with the knowledge that your command of the material was well earned.