
Exciting 2024/2025 Webinar Series


~ 2024/2025 Webinar Series ~

I am excited to announce that I will be holding a series of webinars over the course 2024-2025.


The Perspective Schedule

(subject to changes)


Each detailed webinar will explore an individual topic and provide easy to follow visceral manipulation protocols to enhance your practice.

Webinar One

May 25, 2024 at 2:00PM (PST)

Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatoic Liver Disease (MASLD) - Previously referred to as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)


Webinar Two

August 10, 2024 at 2:00PM (PST)

Abdominal Bloating & Distention; the Many Causes & Possible Solutions. 

Webinar Three

November 16, 2024 at 2:00PM (PST)

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS); How can Visceral Manipulation Make a Difference?

Webinar Four

March 22, 2025 at 2:00PM (PST)

Ligament Laxity (Marfans, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)) & the Relevance of Visceral Manipulation.


Webinar Five

August 23, 2025 at 2:00PM (PST)

Intention, Listening, Induction, and Inhibition; A Scientific Exploration in Support of Visceral Manipulation. 

Webinar Logistic Details:

  • Each live 60-minute webinar will be offered to "Committed" subscribers only, during which time you will be able to ask questions and discuss relevant cases in your own practice you may be curious about. 
  • As a Committed subscriber you will receive an email a couple weeks before each webinar where you can sign up for the webinar.
  • As a Committed subscriber you will be able to ask questions on the Q&A forum and will have my undivided attention. 
  • Don't freak out if you miss the webinar! About 1-2 weeks after the webinar it will be uploaded on the website for you to view.
  • Three months after the scheduled live webinar the recorded video will be made available to Serious subscribers. 


  1. dee ahern03/25/2024

    I cannot get into the study group or view the neuroplasticity of the gut. HI Ron. trying to look at your webinar for thoday

  2. Lynette Guy03/15/2024

    Thank you soooo much for putting this together – I have missed your work a great deal. I live in Australia, and since COVID started … we have been quite isolated from international training sessions and workshops. We have been ‘shut away’ from a whole range of social and other activities.

    So this will be a wonderful opportunity to get access to information that is otherwise inaccessible. These topics are great – I have a range of patients, young and old, who suffer from these conditions. I am really grateful that you will be able to offer reliable advice and recommendations for dealing with these people’s problems. The internet is so full of ‘promises’ that don’t always work. – Lyn Guy, Australia.

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