Advance Clinical Applications for Common Gastrointestinal Issues (CG2)
Select a course from the list below:
NOTE: For enrolled students see below for a course overview...
The CG2 (virtual) is now open to all students who have completed the 4-day VM1 class! The hands on part of this class will still be restricted to those who have completed all VM1, VM2, VM3, VM4 classes.
- May 14, 2022 - Launch of all CG2 modules (Duodenum, Jejunoileum and Colon). You will have full, free-roam access (no quizzes).
- May 28, 2022 - Last day to receive a refund if you feel this virtual format is not your cup-of-tea.
- June 11, 2022 - Prep-access begins. You will be switched to a structured access to the information with short quizzes to check your progress. At this time the worksheets will be made available to you for download.
- July 23, 2022 - Webinar #1 (Duodenum & Small Intestines) (2:00PM Pacific Standard Time in the US, which is 10:00PM in London and 7:00AM (Sunday) in Sydney, Australia. The webinar will be recorded in case you miss it.
- August 27, 2022 - Webinar #2 (Colon) (2:00PM Pacific Standard Time in the US, which is 10:00PM in London and 7:00AM (Sunday) in Sydney, Australia. The webinar will be recorded in case you miss it.
Understanding the evolutionary basis of anatomy and physiology is essential to peeling away the any misconceived notions of human superiority within the biosphere. Additionally, this understanding not only helps us as manual therapists to appreciate the web of interconnectedness between all the organs but also provides us with a better grasp of how some modern lifestyle habits and dietary choices can disrupt the subtle physiological balances.

A clear understanding of the historical views of the organs allows us to see that our present day understanding of organ anatomy and function is possibly in some ways tainted by our historical roots.
From our knowledge of evolution our understanding of embryology encapsulates a deep and profound awareness of who we TRULY are.

Anatomy & Physiology...
Now...and only now, are we truly ready to understand anatomy and physiology. We are poised to plunge the depths and details of anatomy and physiology in a way that would make Jean-Pierre Barral proud.
From the perspective of a deeper understanding of, evolution, embryology, anatomy and physiology we will have a more accurate understanding of pathology.

Welcome to the class. You are not too late. There is plenty of time to take your time and get as much out of the class as you want.
- After you have finished the first unit, at the bottom of the page (below the video) you will need to mark this unit as completed. Once you have done that you will need to hit the button “next unit”. This next unit is the Webinar page, which will be the location watch recordings of the webinars.
- When you get to the next unit (Module #2, Unit #1) you will see some flip books to read as well as next video to watch. It probably makes more sense to read the flip books after you have watched the video as these will help expand your understanding of the topic.
- At the bottom of this unit you will see a short quiz. You will need to take the quiz in order to move on to the next unit.
I hope you enjoy the class!