For the tire kickers! (Curious) and VM1 Graduates who want to expand their knowledge (Focused)
If you are looking for a place to come to refresh and re-inspire. the online VM Study Group is here to re-invigorate your VM practice. The free-for-life Curious plan includes:
- Basic access to the VM Atlas
- Access to the first online VM Study Group module of every level for which you are qualified including: Liver (VM1*); Peritoneum (VM2*); Pelvic Hard Frame (VM3); and Cervical Fascia (VM4) including audio layered palpations
- Access to the VM Study Group PRO Blog and the Online Q&A Forum Preview (Questions only)
- Free forever access to the basic level of online VM study group & VM Atlas services
Focused paid plan includes ALL Curious Plan features PLUS (See Pricing):
- All modules for each of the VM1 organs (liver, gallbladder, stomach, duodenum, small intestines, colon).
- A new chapter on General Evaluation that will help you integrate visceral manipulation into your current manual therapy practice.
- A new chapter on Listening that will give you what you need to explain listening to your patients and colleagues.
- Access to all the VM1 quizzes (if you are so inclined) to help you check your learning and understanding of this amazing work.
- Access to all updates (including all the layered palpation of abdominal organs, guided tours through the anatomy images, etc.)
Challenges integrating VM in your practice? (See Pricing)
Need a hand? The VM Atlas & resources are specifically designed to help you integrate VM more effectively into your practice.
- Full access to the VM Atlas
- Full access to all VM3 and VM4 reference materials
- Full access to all audio layered palpations
- Personal Course & Quiz Progress Dashboard
- Full access to yearly updates and select new material (e.g. VM1/VM2*)
- Option to purchase online ACA videos* access
- Full Online Q&A Forum (Questions & Answers)
- Monthly Pro-Blog + Comments
Ready to take your VM practice to the top? (See Pricing)
You're an experienced VM practitioner ready for a challenge! I'm here to lead you to that next level. With 1-on-1 time we can push through anything that is holding you back.
Includes ALL Serious Plan features PLUS:
- 1-on-1 Ron Skype sessions (2/YR) for 2+ consecutive year Committed subscribers
- Full online access to all ACA videos*
- Case study tutoring
- Online Q&A Forum Answer Fast-Track
- Online quizzes (with answers)
"Ron Mariotti has been a devoted student of mine for the past 25 years. It has been a pleasure to watch him grow into an excellent manual therapist and an engaging teacher of my work. I am proud that he is an important part of my teaching team. It is with great pleasure that I highly recommend his online VM study group to any student of mine, no matter how long they have been studying my work. You will find it engaging, methodical, and true to my vision for this work. His attention to detail and faithful devotion to the purity of visceral manipulation, in all of its aspects (neural, vascular, articular) is encouraging to me as the developer of this work. If you truly want to excel in this work the online study group will help you get there."
– Jean-Pierre Barral